Sunday, 30 March 2008


It's time for spring. Living in Michigan allows me to see four very distinct seasons each year. Even after 35 times, spring fills me with new hope of change.

I feel like I am coming to a point of change in my career in education. Either I can continue to talk about doing something new, or I can jump into the abyss, risking my comfort for a new experience.

As I walk around my school I can feel the energy from other staff members. They too are ready. For 13 years I have taught in the same school district. We have been through a tough five years. I was at my wit's end in December of 2006, frustrated by the lack of updated technology, limited by the standardization of learning, worried that I was doomed to a career of punching in and out. Then I discovered how to interact with educators around the world through blogs and wikis. I saw outside of the walls of my classroom, my school district, my town, my state. I made connections with others whom shared my personal and professional philosophies of learning. And then an even more amazing thing happened. I was given several gifts - a new superintendent and the return of my favorite principal. The technology was updated, the attitudes of my leaders changed, I was valued.

Only one year later I feel such a difference. The five years of struggle in my district happened so slowly and painfully. Yet, just after one year, there is such a different attitude! I feel as though what I have to say matters to others. There is an empowerment I have gained during the last 12 months since I started this blog. At the same time, I feel empowered in my school district
too. I am hopeful that during the next few years I will have the opportunity to work with others in new and exciting ways. I can't wait to share my classroom experiences with other adults whom will share my passion. I'm so excited. I'm ready to jump!

1 comment:

Mary Lee said...

This is a great story of a welcome "spring" after a LOOOoooonnnngggg "winter!"