Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Morning Moodle Madness

Its much too early in the morning to be thinking this much. I have so many ideas for keeping my students learning in the summer. I worry the parents won't use it. I worry the children will not find it interesting enough. This is my challenge. As an educator I will constantly be competing with electronic games. How can I make sure my students are interested enough to log on and want to communicate with each other.

After several of my boys shared their Star Wars stories they had written during writing workshop, I thought, "Writing Club!" Could they post stories to each other on Moodle? Would they respond to each other's writing? How could I respond to their writing without killing their interest in the natural learning that takes place? Could they add to each other's stories? Is this crazy to think I can make this whole thing work?

I think I need to stop talking and worrying and just dive in.

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