Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Resources for Teachers Abound: Thanks Mary Lee

Mary Lee's post on A Year of Reading about ipad apps has me all a-twitter (old english meaning).  I'm sick in bed and all I can do is use this time to read and write about teaching.  I must be unstable.  Since she recently received a grant to support the purchase of ipad apps for the classroom, this is my understanding, she has been investing time and energy in finding the best apps for our kid's learning.  Correct me if I am wrong, Mary Lee.

I have only looked at one, you read it, one recommendation on her post and am completely beside myself about the possibilities it unlocks for my classroom.  Wonderopolis!  This website connects to idea of teaching children to ask questions. It provides a question each day with resources attached for teachers and students to use.  On today's question "When is a state not a state" there were resources with a link to National Geographic Kids.  This led to a discovery of National Geographic Kid's beta site containing the definition of geography (teaching it right now) and some tools I could use right now to make my instruction more interactive and exciting.  

I feel like I have hit the jackpot of educational resources.  Thanks Mary Lee, I can't wait to share this with my colleagues.  


Stacey said...

Wonderopolis is awesome! I heard about it at NCTE this past November and wish it had been around when I was in the classroom full-time. Oh how wonderful it would've been to share a wonder from Wonderopolis each morning at Morning Meeting.

Terje said...

Discovering and learning give positive feelings and help you to get better. Have fun playing around with freshly found resources and get well soon.

Tara said...

I love Wonderopolis! In fact, I've blogged about how we use it on our sixth grade Language Arts classes http://tmsteach.blogspot.com/search/label/Wonderopolis with great success. It's been a fabulous tool for our non fiction studies.

Linda B said...

As well as the jackpot, I think it's also just the tip of the iceberg. Have lots of fun, because there is much to enjoy with &/or for yourself. I hope you're well soon!