Thank You Mom and Dad.
For the beautiful gift of your Faith.
Hours of your prayers.
Prayers of hope
Prayers of worry
Prayers of forgiveness.
Prayers of thanks.
Thank You friends
who open their souls
just so I can peek inside
to witness just a glimpse of God
in your heart.
Thank You Anne LaMotte
For your brutal honesty.
To witness your struggle
through the texts,
personal journals of your journey
toward Christ;
through others.
Thank You Mozart
Every day my students
write to your brilliance.
It's that of another universe.
Chet Baker, Billie Holiday,
you reach through time to
touch my soul with your
sufferring, your ache.
Anton Checkov,
Kate Chopin,
Mary Wollstonecraft,
Ernest Hemingway,
John Irving (for A Prayer for Owen Meany),
Pablo Neruda,
How could I know one day
I would have the courage
to emulate your craft.
Thank You Eugene Peterson
Your biblical verse is now accessible to me
Your spiritual guidance has created
passage, connection, to Him, to Her.
Thank You, my children
for living in eyes
of Christ.
You teach me to be more
like Him, like Her.
These are all my connections with God, through
Christ who made the wonderful humanity
further, their creations.
All for You.
My blessings
My suffering
My future
My past
My now.
All because of You,
For You
of You
with You
In You
The more I work on me,
the more I am of You.
I finally figured out how to comment on your innovative blog. I just wanted to say that your poem of thanksgiving for your faith is sweet. I like the way you gave mention to the authors and musicians that have impacted you. There are so many in our clouds of witnesses that really do deserve a mention, arena't there. I appreciate your thoughts.
I've been reading through your blog - I can't pick just one entry to comment on so I'll put it here. You are so thoughtful and concerned about your work, connecting your experiences, your values, your beliefs. This poem - statement of faith, of thankfulness - is just the tip.
Thank you for blogging.
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