Saturday, 1 March 2014

Something to write about: Cold. What else?

Today I wrote about my reading on my blog. I ask my students to do this every day.  It was a freeing experience.  While I don't have time to write about my reading everyday, the Slice of Life Challenge gives me some accountability to write daily.  After avoiding the empty page for so long, I find my thoughts are everywhere.  Just like I tell my students when we are writing "Small Moment" stories, I need to narrow it down.  The only thing that comes to mind right now is cold.


                                                      Just taking the garbage
                                                      to the ice-covered container in the garage
                                                      is painful.
                                                      Though the garage door is down,
                                                      There is a gap
                                                      Created by layer upon layer of old ice
                                                      from two or three storms ago.
                                                      The ice
                                                      that won't let go of its grip
                                                      under the door
                                                      next to the wheels that cannot reach the pavement
                                                      causing the gap.



Unknown said...

I have seen my fair share of snow and ice this winter! We have another storm coming tomorrow. I am hoping this is the last one of the season and that warmer days are ahead!

Kristi Lonheim said...

I started slicing to remind me of all those things I tell my students, a place to put my words into practice. I am glad you are carving out the time to go for it in March.

Unknown said...

I'll be right over with my ice scraper!

Jackie said...

Oh how appropriate this poem is! I think lots of people will relate to your words. I liked how you described the ice "layer upon layer of old ice". Looking forward to reading your posts this month. Jackie

Lisa said...

Great poem! You described the cold so well that I need my mittens. Great slice - thanks for sharing.

Maureen said...

Welcome to the SOLSC!! I enjoyed your poem - love the lines,
" The ice
that won't let go of its grip"
I live in the D.C. area and we are anticipating another storm tomorrow evening - aieeeee! So cold. Thanks for sharing!

Richard said...

I love that idea of the gap between the tires and the driveway. The lack of grip. When you're cold, you have a difficult time getting warm and getting feeling back in your extremities, etc. While I think this is a fun poem, I think you could really take it further! Nice job! Enjoy this month!

Amy Rudd said...

Some how my comment got lost! Hope you're joining in the SOLSC all month long! We agree that the cold has been awful this year-can't wait for spring

Linda B said...

It's wonderful, makes me shiver. I moved over a year ago & don't have a garage anymore, but in my old house, there was a gap, and the wind blew in! Your poem shows exactly the br-r of this winter! Welcome to the slice of life, great first slice!