Sunday 22 November 2009

Longing to Write, Longing to connect with Teachers Who Write, Too.

Even though there are a million other things I should be doing, all I want to do is write. I'm hoping to spend a lot of this week working on my story. Now, that I have set up my new office in my house, there is no excuse. The door can easily be closed.

I was thrilled to read my friend Chris' blog! He couldn't stop teaching all the way from Philadelphia. His comments throughout the blog were so inspiring. I loved it that he capitalized on the opportunity of going to a conference to blog to his students about his learning. He always amazes me with the way he makes teaching more authentic all the time. I just wish he were still teaching in my building. Oh well, hopefully the staff at Woodside is starting to reap some of the benefits of having him on staff.

Maybe between the two of us, Chris and I can help the teachers in West Michigan to see how unbelievably cool it is to be a writer and a teacher.

This image in my ideal classroom. It's the classroom of Joan Moser, co-author of The Cafe Book.

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