Sunday 1 January 2012

Learning Beyond the School Day: January Opportunities for Second Graders

For the last three years I have used Moodle to help students embrace the idea of learning beyond the school day.  There have been many challenges to overcome: three district computers in my classroom, 28 students, one hour of instructional time devoted to Response to Intervention (RTI) groups, and working with seven and eight year olds.  January is a good time to start using this more because most of my students have developed a sense of independence.  I wonder if using some of the ideas within the flipped classroom model might help with management to promote more instructional technology assisted instruction.  Even though Moodle is an awkward instructional management program, it's what my district has in place.  Since I have taken some time to develop a website this year, using the website in conjunction with Moodle and practice strategies employed in the flipped classroom, I might have a structure to develop into an instructional system.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love to talk to you about this idea to hear your thoughts. The flipped classroom is becoming more commonplace in secondary classrooms, but I feel there is a lot of potential for elementary. What a great idea!