Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Tonight I had the pleasure of singing at the Ash Wednesday service at my church.  Even though it was a somber time in anticipation of the 40 days of lent, I still felt so full at the end.  I'm sure it was because of my singing.  I love to sing!  I sang in high school.  I sang in college.  I sang in a gospel choir.  I sang in my church choir.  I sing in my classroom if I'm teaching first grade.  How come I don't sing at home around the house?  I should sing more.  I have changed from a soprano to an alto.  Now, in church, I'm that annoying woman that sings harmony to everything, so those church hymns take on an Indigo Girls flavor.  Sometimes, at the end of the school day, when the buses have all gone home, you can hear me singing Patsy Cline in the hallway.  Well, the janitor hears it anyway.  If Lent is to be full of gratitude, I'll make it full of singing.

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