Wednesday 22 August 2007

Did I forget something?

My hope is that all I do during the next few weeks prepares the environment for real life learning. It's easy to get caught up in the assembly line this work becomes when there are so many little details to attend to. With each system I put into place, I am trying to see their faces. All of the labeling and organizing prepares for growing minds. The quiet will only be here for a short while before the halls and rooms fill with giggles and smiles. This sacred space of learning needs life. Our Open House is not until the day before Labor Day Weekend. Then the children will come. Only then will I feel like the room is full of everything it needs.


Sarah Amick said...

I love standing in my classroom before it all begins and just anticipating... I am four days in and I am already just feeling back at home with my children.
This is who we are!

Sarah Amick said...

How did it go?

AngelaTIC said...

How was your open house? How is your first week going?