Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Learning Next to My Students

So, I'm thinking about the complexities of reading and writing through the lens of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  I am wondering what it would be like to put some of these new close reading strategies to work in my own reading and writing.  If I need to look at the standards closer, why not apply them to myself?  It could be an experiment really.  I could read about the standards.  Then I could engage in reading and writing projects making sure I aim toward engaging in reading and writing text with the standards in mind.  It would be a very meaningful, personal, and authentic way to unpack the standards through my own work.

So here is the context of my experiment: any reading and writing I do.  It sounds simple enough, right? Today, I can't really do any application though because I am just reading the book Pathways to the Common Core by Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth, and Christopher Lehmen.  After I have started digesting this text, using it to help me interpret the standards by their original authors and the ones authored by people in my district, then I think I can start to apply them to my own reading and writing.

Where can I go with all this:
1. It can help me to internalize what it means to read text closely and write text clearly.
2. I can have informed conversations with other educators and policy makers.
3. I can continue engaging in reading and writing in a structured way that challenges me to meet the standards that could possibly guide future readers and writers.

Since I do not belong to any kind of formal writing group, this could be a way for me to provide a meaningful, personal connection to the entire context of teaching I am supposed to be using with early literacy learners.

Any thoughts?

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